Today, handbags and high end handbags are everything from convenient and useful to fashion accessories.
Whatever your use or purpose in wanting a high end handbag, you're bound to find the one for you from one of the designers below:
- Aigner Handbags
- Burberry Handbags
- Calvin Klein Handbags
- Chanel Handbags
- Christian Dior Handbags
- Coach Hand Bags
- DKNY Handbags
- Dolce & Gabbana Handbags
- Fendi Handbags
- Gucci Handbags
- Hansengross Handbags
- Juicy Couture Handbags
- Louis Vuitton Handbags
- Prada Hand Bags
- Vera Bradley Handbags
- Versace Handbags
Types of Handbags
Clutch: Small and long rectangular evening hanbag that has no handle.
Coin Purse: A small handbag for holding cards, coins and paper money.
Pocketbook: Your most common handbag or purse, two handles and worn over the shoulder.
Satchel: Large handbag with a small handle that is worn on the arm instead of the shoulder.
Sling Bag: Medium handbag with one long strap that is worn (slung) across the body.
Tote: Medium to large handbag with two straps.
Man-Purse, Murse or Manbag: Keifer Sutherland's character on "24," Jack Bauer, brought this item to fame - it is essentially a sling bag, for men.
Here are some other resources to quality products
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